
Zoom OLED Pro

49.900 kr.


The all new OLED Pro has the look and feel of leather and metal. It oozes class and quality. The premium built is supported by a best in class Dual OLED display with amazing clarity and contrast. No stress for your eyes and clear visibility in all conditions.

OLED PRO is brighter with a quicker flag lock, offers a wider field of view and longer range, then you would expect from a device in the mid tier price segment. In fact the OLED Pro belongs in the super Premium class of $ 600 devices, but Zoom delivers premium quality for a mid range price. The look, feel and features are premium class. The new OLED Pro has it all, bright Dual OLED display with red text and green flag feedback and a magnet, that helps attaching the device on your cart or clubs.

Golf rangefinders today are a very mature segment, where consumers have the choice between simple budget devices and high priced premium brands. ZOOM rangefinders offer a true flagship killer approach by offering all key premium features in an affordable package.

Premium Optics
The all new ZOOM OLED PRO offers the very best with a super clear Dual Oled Display.

Quick scanning
ZOOM OLED PRO delivers very fast results, flagpole scanning and target vibration mode with an accuracy of +/- 0,5m.

Slope Switch
ZOOM OLED PRO delivers both ways, the straight distance and slope adjusted values.

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SKU: 7758 Flokkar: ,
Vörumerki: ZOOM


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