
Scotty Cameron Super Select Newport 2.5 Plus

70.110 kr.

With the same MOI-enhancing head shape as the Titleist Scotty Cameron Super Select Newport 2 Plus, the Super Select Newport 2.5 Plus adds Scotty’s new sculpted I-beam-style jet neck to promote additional toe flow in the putting stroke. With the wider flange, this is another tour-inspired shape that introduces the next profile in high-performance blade design. Milled in USA from 303 stainless steel with a solid face and the line’s dual-milled face technology, the Newport 2.5 Plus has an integrated 6061 aircraft grade aluminum sole plate, anodized clear and engraved with the line’s graphics. A milled flange sight line provides clean alignment, while customizable stainless steel sole weights provide balance. The putter includes the line’s new shaft band, headcover and textured Pistolini Plus grip. A left-handed Super Select Newport 2.5 Plus model is also available.


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