
Scotty Cameron 2024 Phantom 9

75.900 kr.

The Titleist Scotty Cameron Phantom 9 has been completely re-designed for a new shape in alignment, forgiveness and feel. At address, two prominent sight lines milled from the leading edge all the way back guide the visual path for a confident setup that’s aesthetically pleasing and extremely functional.

The “ring-weighted” shape a reconfigured, angular wing format integrates heavier, precision milled 303 stainless steel with a lightweight 6061 aluminium flange to strategically distribute weight to the perimeter for balance and higher MOI. This near-face balanced mallet’s unique, aerospace-inspired profile also employs stainless steel sole weights and a misted finish that repels glare and looks amazing.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Heildarkostnaður: kr.

SKU: N / A Flokkar: ,
Vörumerki: Scotty Cameron , Titleist


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