
Scotty Cameron 2024 Phantom 7

75.900 kr.

Seasons spent working with the world’s top players led to the development of the newest Phantom 7. With updated contours, slightly longer wings and a subtle shape shift to a straighter outside wing angle going back from the topline, this updated tour-trusted design puts an emphasis on alignment, stability and MOI.

Three machined sight dots on the topline accented in translucent smoke paintfill create the perfect visual centre, while the elongated sight lines framing a newly shaped flange instil confidence at address. Precision milled 303 stainless steel provides perimeter weighting and the foundation for a solid dual-milled face, as lightweight 6061 aircraft grade aluminium forms the sole/flange component.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Heildarkostnaður: kr.

SKU: N / A Flokkar: ,
Vörumerki: Scotty Cameron , Titleist


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