
Ping PLD DS72 Hovland Limited Edition

71.900 kr.

The PLD Milled DS72 Hovland is the same trusty weapon that’s ushered Viktor Hovland through six PGA Tour victories and a FedExCup championship. Exactly like Hovi’s, this special edition putter features a meticulously milled 1018 carbon steel head, a handcrafted patina finish, a 360-gram weight, a single top-rail sightline, and a ball-width cavity. A smooth-milled face delivers a firmer feel, while the double-bend shaft suits players with a straight-back, straight-through stroke. It’s worth mentioning that this limited edition model marks the first occasion PING has ever put a staff player’s name on a putter.

Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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Vörumerki: Ping


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