
Odyssey DFX #10 S Pútter

24.900 kr.

The V-Line Fang is a classic Odyssey design with softer fang features in a mid sized mallet, the Double Bend shaft makes this putter face balanced and best suited for strokes with minimal arc and face rotation. This putter features our DFX insert, which is

The #10 is a progressive Odyssey mallet design with angular features that makes it very easy to align, the short slant hosel provides minimal toe hang best suited for strokes with less face rotation and arc. This putter features our DFX insert, which is our softest, and comes with a steel shaft and a pistol grip. (Oversize and Slim Pistol grips are custom options.) This high-performance putter is available in some classic Odyssey shapes and comes in a beautiful charcoal finish. The DFX Insert is 20% softer than White Hot for smooth feel and roll.

our softest, and comes with a steel shaft and a pistol grip.

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Vörumerki: Odyssey


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