Get Instant Feedback on your Swing
Fine tune your full swing and short game with the Mini-Max Training Mirrors
Perfect Driver Setup Mini-Series Training Videos
By using the mirrors alignment markings, you can practice how to Multiple, exclusive training videos created by Piers & Andy
hit up on the golf ball with your driver. This will enable you to gain teach you how to use the mirror in a variety of different ways. Use the drills in your
those vital extra yards off the tee. practice to perfect your full swing and short game setup.
Alignment Markings Hole More Putts Compact & Portable
Improve your full swing and short game with the Take the mirrors to the practice green and check your Use the premium storage pouch to place the mirrors in your golf
markings on the mirror and master your check your shoulders and eyes are properly aligned bag so you can take them everywhere your practice or play.
set up for all shot types. before your round.